Sunday, April 21, 2013

Info share

  • name of the tool phoster

  • platform(s) on which it works (web-based, iOS, Android, etc.) iOS

  • what it does Phoster is an app that allows users to create custom movie posters and signs using there own pictures or ones from the web.

  • one way it could be used in your situation (classroom, PD, etc.): Be specific with your ideas! In my video game design class one of the units is about marketing, target audiences, and the governments rating system. I had students create movie posters to appropriately model these objectives for their video game. Students were very creative, and really went over the top in making their posters.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Module 3: Moving Mindsets

Self Evaluation on the Technology Integration Module
  *My self evaluation is based only upon my college algebra class. The curriculum in my technology classes align to easily with many standards in online and blended instruction.

          Currently students use an abundance of technology resources in the classroom. Based upon problem solving skills, preferences, and content students use cell phone apps, computer software, internet resources, and graphing calculators to model and solve problems. I also use computer software to monitor student progress, give immediate feedback, provide support, and flip the classroom to help instruct my students.

Active - Adaption
Collaborative - Adoption
Constructive - Adoption
Authentic - Adoption
Goal Directed - Adaption
      By the end of the year I feel it is reasonable that I can get every on of the rows in the matrix to the highest level. I feel I can achieve this by implementing an authentic PBL unit in the math class. A PBL unit allows for students to seek knowledge for themselves, and pursue any means of technology to solve their problems. I also feel that it will take more learning on my part, through this course, to understand how to utilize students use of technology to completely shift my pedagogy.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Unit 2 Foundations

Do online and blended learning environments remove barriers that prevent students from learning in a "brick and mortar" classroom.

An opening paragraph from Janie Ulmer's blog (another student in this course) really resonated with me. She says,
          As I prepared for my first blog entry, I could feel the anxiety that many of my students must feel as they prepare an essay or complete an assessment.  My thoughts and knowledge level are going to be on display for the world to evaluate. However, that anxiety is also invigorating.

This same anxiety can paralyze many students that are not as brave or willing to step outside of his/her own comfort zone as Janie. In my classroom I have observed many students come to life, ask a question, or express his/her opinion virtually that normally would not in a "brick and mortal" classroom. I can't help, but feel some might be a fear of being judged, of being wrong, of not being heard, or of speaking out in front of their peers.

At Lawrenceburg High School I have also witnessed online and blended instruction break down many learning barriers for our students. We have programs that range in comprehensiveness and reach from full-time programs for alternative students, supplemental programs for students in school needing credit recovery or a class not offered at our school, or even down to students in a regularly scheduled class with teachers implementing blended instruction. All of these programs over the last couple years have significantly helped our school improve its graduation rates, college readiness test scores, standardized test scores, and school grade. 

 The " iNACOL A National Primer on K-12 Online Learning" has great section about the myths of online learning. One of myths is that online learning is really just a teacher-less environment. In my mind, that is so wrong , but yet correct in a good way. Online learning allows the student to become the center of learning experience. The teacher merely becomes a facilitator or curator on the students on personalized educational journey. Students are able to get often able instantaneous feedback on work, be supported or challenged they are needed, engaged in learning, and most importantly given ownership in their own learning.

Students today are digital natives, and the transition to a cyber learning environment will be much easier for them than it will the facilitator. Teachers that design or implement courses that follow the TPAC framework , will be able to provide individualized learning that can have a much greater reach than ever before.