Sunday, April 21, 2013

Info share

  • name of the tool phoster

  • platform(s) on which it works (web-based, iOS, Android, etc.) iOS

  • what it does Phoster is an app that allows users to create custom movie posters and signs using there own pictures or ones from the web.

  • one way it could be used in your situation (classroom, PD, etc.): Be specific with your ideas! In my video game design class one of the units is about marketing, target audiences, and the governments rating system. I had students create movie posters to appropriately model these objectives for their video game. Students were very creative, and really went over the top in making their posters.

1 comment:

  1. I have recently downloaded this app and can see lots of great uses for in the classroom. You can have students create a poster and present from it, you can also teach students about graphic design, what about making promotional posters for events coming up in the school/classroom, getting to know about each student at that a beginning of the year, and I'm sure there a million other ways to bring it to the classroom as well.
